Buchpräsentation Basel
2. November, 14 Uhr
Mit Lecture Performance von Michiel Huijben, findet auf Englisch statt.

In dem Performance-Talk «What Exists is Good» verwendet Michiel Huijben aus Rotterdam seine Sammlung alltäglicher Baumaterialien, um zu untersuchen, wie Erinnerungen in die Oberflächen und Begrenzungen unserer Umgebung eingewoben sind. Indem er Kindheitserinnerungen mit diesen Materialien in Verbindung bringt, verknüpft er das Individuum mit der Architekturgeschichte ab den 1970er Jahren und untersucht, was diese Erinnerungen über die Epoche verraten.

Architekturfotografie II baut auf der 2017 erschienenen Publikation Architekturfotografie auf. Seit deren Veröffentlichung sind zahlreiche neue Aufnahmen zu Bianca Pedrinas Archiv hinzugekommen. Sie entstanden an Orten wie Taipeh, Seoul, Shanghai, Pisa, Andratx, Sofia, Leeds, Glasgow, St. Anton, Colmar, Zagreb, Brünn und Mödling.
Texte von Michiel Huijben ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch das Buch und reflektieren die Idee der Grenze. Sie betrachten einige der vielen Möglichkeiten, wie Grenzen und Schwellen unsere Beziehungen sowohl zu unserer Umgebung - gebaut und organisch, historisch und gegenwärtig - als auch zueinander gestalten. Die Publikation stellt daher Momente architektonischer Inkongruenz und das Aufeinandertreffen unterschiedlicher Formen und Zeiten in den Vordergrund. Sie zeigt Reibungen, Unterbrechungen und Kontraste sowie die unvermeidliche Schaffung von etwas Neuem auf.






Kunstverein Siegen

Maruša Sagadin & Bianca Pedrina
kuratiert von Jennifer Cierlitza

6. September, 19 Uhr Eröffnung

Begrüßung durch den Bürgermeister der Stadt Siegen, Karin Lingl (Stiftung Kunstfonds) 

Einführung durch Jennifer Cierlitza mit anschließendem Künstlerinnengespräch

15. September, 15 Uhr Führung durch die Ausstellung 

20. Oktober, 16 Uhr Vortrag von Künstler Michiel Huijben, Rotterdam

Die Ausstellung "Schiefe Schiefer" erforscht die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Öffentlichen Raumes, einschließlich der sozialen Dimensionen von Architektur und Stadtplanung sowie der Widersprüche im Stadtraum und der städtischen Infrastruktur. 



Friday 26 July 2024, 7pm
Book presentation and talk between Bianca Pedrina (Artist), Astrid Seme (Designer) and Thomas Geiger (Artist) of Mark Pezinger Books.

With a spatial intervention by the artist, on view until September 15

Franz-Josefs-Kai 3
1010 Vienna




2nd Miniaturbiennale
Frankfurt Main Station ➟ Model railway between platforms 1 and 2
18.05 – 27.10.2024

Artists: Tim Etchells, Bianca Pedrina, Jacqueline Kiyomi Gork, Johannes Moeller, Shirin Sabahi, Total Refusal, Maje Mellin, Genevieve Goffman, Béla Feldberg, Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller, FORT, Jack Cheetham




Loose Ends
Modest Common, Los Angeles
February 3 – March 3 2024

Opening: Saturday, February 3, 4 – 7 PM

Tanya Brodsky, Sophie Dvořák, Andreas Fogarasi, Thea Moeller, Bianca Pedrina, Ellen Schafer, Marit Wolters

Curated by Marit Wolters

Is a gallery’s architecture simply the container of the art within it? The exhibition Loose Ends/Unerledigte Dinge contests this simple idea of containment, combining art and architecture in works that explore the unfinished, the maybe, the not yet known and the not clear yet.





dust matters
Bianca Pedrina
15. – 17.12.2023

No. 1846, Huaihai Middle Road
Xuhui District, Shanghai

2023.12.15., 14:00 –15:00
Talk with Prof. WANG Guan & Bianca Pedrina

Many architects fear time. They are enthusiastic about their idea and creation, but not about what comes next. Because what comes next is reality. Materials corrode, fungi spread, people lay hands on things and change them. The traces that appear this way we call „patina“. This appearance is not planned, does not come from above, but grows from below. If architecture means authority, patina means anarchy. For architects, it is a loss of substance, a contamination of their idea. In the eyes of the residents, however, it is a gain in freedom and a testimony to its history. For a city without patina may have a place in space, but not in time. (Clemens Espenlaub)




14. Oktober – 11. November 2023
Galerie Duflon/Racz, Bern

Yvan Alvarez, Nadine K. Cenoz, o-pas, Bianca Pedrina, Alessandro Rolandi
curated by Nico Müller and Mathias Kobel

Gerechtigkeitsgasse 40
3011 Bern




Opening of PARKING SPACE with a group show in cooperation with simplify.art.
curated by Michael Strasser, Victoria Dejaco and Lena Weinberger. 

With works by:
Nicoleta Auersperg, Amelie Bachfischer, Sarah Bechter, Luka Jana Berchtold, Arnold Berger, Svenja Deininger, Melanie Ebenhoch, Daniel Ferstl, Gabriele EdlIbauer & Julia Goodman, Markus Guschelbauer, Peter Hauenschild, Erika Hock, Siggi Hofer, Michael Kienzer, Elisabeth Kihlström, Jakob Lena Knebl, Luiza Margan, Thea Moeller, Jonas Monka, Barbara Moura, Stefan Pani, Hermes Payrhuber, Bianca Pedrina, Vika Prokopaviciute, Jörg Reissner, Martyn Reynolds, King Rhomberg, Signe Rose, Wally Salner, Toni Schmale, Anneliese Schrenk, Constanze Schweiger, Titania Seidl, Michael Strasser, Tobias Teschner, Maja Vukoje

6.9.23 / 6-10 pm


1070 WIEN
+43 1 526 44 14




Symposium 23

Kleine Stadtfarm, Naufahrtweg 14A, 1220 Wien

The FELDVERSUCHE Symposium invites the artists Bianca Pedrina, Diego Virgen, Julia Riederer, Line Lyhne, Michèle Pagel, Paul Haas and Valentino Skarwan to live and work at the Viennese community farm „Kleine Stadtfarm” in the 22th district, dealing with urbanization, foods and agriculture.

26.8. from 2 pm
27.8. from 12 pm – 7 pm





Bianca Pedrina

opening Jun 23th, 5pm
Jun 23 – Jul 14, 2023

the Gimp
Wilhelm-Kabus-Str. 28 / Haus 3.3
10829 Berlin

open Sat 2–6 pm
and by appointment


the Gimp:
Dear friends & colleagues!
For our last exhibition before the summer break we have invited Bianca Pedrina from Basel. In her photographic installations, Pedrina deals with architecture and urban development in a way that is as subtle as it is playful. Unlike traditional architectural photography, she does not seek the untouched and well-planned, but rather that which has been improperly transformed by man and nature. Where most see only a loss of quality, Pedrina discovers the possibility of anarchy, higher justice, and humor. For her, the patina appears not as a flaw that must be repaired in order to uncover what is intrinsic, but as a trace that gives things their very reality and truthfulness.
We are looking forward to seeing you all! 
Friedrich Herz & Clemens Espenlaub



June 8 from 6 pm

Foto Wien
Styles Of Documentation As Narratives Of Truth

Jennifer Gelardo, Hannahlisa Kunyik, Bianca Pedrina, Hiroshi Takizawa

Alte WU: Stiegen zum Haupteingang
Augasse 2–6
1090 Wien





>>Katalog PDF<<

Eine Ausstellung, die sich dem vielfältigen Konzept des Modells in der Kunst widmet.
52 Objekte, die in ihrer Diversität kaum unterschiedlicher sein könnten, finden hier einen gemeinsamen Maßstab. Referenzielle Miniaturen treffen auf Kleinplastiken, skizzenhafte Materialverschiebungen auf präzise Wiedergaben der Realität; eine Bandbreite von Werken, die sowohl das Bekannte als auch das Unbekannte erforschen.

Nicoleta Auersperg, Amelie Bachfischer, Anna Bochkova,  Martin Chramosta, Bartosz Dolhun, Sophie Dvořák, Judith Fegerl, Werner Feiersinger,  Karsten Födinger, Andreas Fogarasi, Franziska Furter, Thomas Geiger, Jennifer Gelardo, Florian Graf, Lucas Herzig, Jeronim Horvat, Cyril Hübscher, Chris Hunter, Monika Janulevičiūtė, Clare Kenny, Alice Könitz, Sonia Leimer, Cornelia Lein, Max Leiss, Sophia Mairer, Luiza Margan, Christian Kosmas Mayer, Laura Mietrup, Rainer Noebauer, Klara Paterok, Bianca Pedrina, Manfred Pernice, Bianca Phos, Johanna Pichlbauer, Heti Prack, PRINZpod, Boris Rebetez, Klemens Schillinger, Stefanie Seibold, Titania Seidl, Ekaterina Shapiro-Obermair, Kathrin Sonntag, Rainer Stadlbauer, Esther Stocker, Hiroshi Takizawa, Lukas Thaler, Sofie Thorsen, Johanna Charlotte Trede, Julian Turner, Marianne Vlaschits, Christoph Weber, Katharina Anna Wieser

Kuratiert von Bianca Pedrina
Display studio-itzo

Kunstraum SUPER
Schönbrunnerstrasse 10
1050 Wien

Eröffnung: 05. Mai, 19 Uhr

06. – 26. Mai
(geöffnet jeweils an Freitagen 16 – 18 Uhr sowie auf Anfrage info@supersuper.at)

Finissage: 26. Mai, 19 Uhr mit Bar und Führung durch die Ausstellung




Desire Lines
Bianca Pedrina

Vernissage: 18. November, 7pm
18. November – 9. December 2022

Kluckyland presents a site-specific photo installation by artist Bianca Pedrina, dedicated to an inconspicuous detail of the exhibition space.
Apparently, a misunderstanding occurred between the planner and the executor during the recent remodeling of the window front of what was originally a 1950s storefront; one of the columns and reveal narrowly miss each other and now meet halfway in the space at a newly created point. The result is a small projection, a miniature pedestal, a small stage.

A number of things can thus be read from this detail within the space: changing regulations in construction and building law, tensions between top-down and bottom-up processes in the planning and use of architecture and urban spaces, as well as aesthetic discourse and possibly a 'Poetics of a Wall Projection'.

Flyer by Monika Janulevičiūtė





Body Snatcher
28. September - 13. October 2022

Assembly House, 44 Canal Rd, Leeds UK

curated by Namjoo Huh
with Doohyung Kim, Hyunjin La, Tim Löhde, Bianca Pedrina





Razklon Gallery
Tsarino Bulgaria

Bianca Pedrina
101 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria

June 4th 2022

Introduction of the Razklon Gallery as the 101st Tourist Site of the renowned initiative "100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria", which is a national movement established in 1966 to promote tourism among Bulgaria's most significant cultural, historic and natural landmarks.
The sites are selected by a variety of organizations and institutions, among them "The Union of Bulgarian Motorists" and "The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church"


Razklon Gallery is a project by the Tsarino Foundation:
The Tsarino Foundation is an international collective of artists and an architect. While restoring a formerly abandoned village in the Bulgarian Rhodope Mountains, their primary purpose is to function as an art platform.

"Razklon Gallery / Pазклон Галерия is a showcase we constructed by the road to Tsarino, providing 1m3 of exhibition space. It is named after its location by a fork in the road: ‘razklon’ is Bulgarian for ‘split’. The Razklon Gallery presents a new artwork several times a year, made by artists from anywhere in the world. The showcase is located in the midst of nature with the local community, cows and other animals as its primary audience."



Bildschirmfoto 2022-03-09 um 20.32.58

Centre for Contemporary Arts
350 Sauchiehall Street
Glasgow G2 3JD





HAG – Handrail Awareness Group

Kunstraum SUPER
Schönbrunner Straße 10
1050 Wien

Kunstraum SUPER hosts the launch of the HAG (Handrail Awareness Group) newsletter. This weekly recurring bulletin by Michiel Huijben, Monika Janulevičiūtė, Martin Kohout and Bianca Pedrina delivers rare handrails from an ever-expanding collection of supports from all over the world to your inbox. 

Launch: Friday 8.4. 7pm

Join the HAG Vienna Handrail Expedition on Saturday 9.4. 2pm 
(start location SUPER, Schönbrunnerstrasse 10, 1050 Vienna)

Opening times: Friday 15.4. from 3-6pm or upon request






Thursday March 10 , 7 pm

See you there!

Open until March 19
Mo – Sa 15:00 – 20:00

Gumpendorferstrasse 23, 1060 Vienna


Regionale 22
Regionale 22

27.11.21 – 21.01.22

Kunstraum Riehen
Baselstrasse 71
CH-4125 Riehen

Karin Borer, Pascal Brateau, Urs Cavelti, Pawel Ferus, Daniel Göttin, Axel Gouala, Maya Hottarek, Aida Kidane, Nao Kikuschi, Nina Laaf, Jordan Madlon, Laura Mietrup, Sali Muller, Nico Müller, Johannes Nilo, Bianca Pedrina, Jan van Oordt
curated by Kiki Seiler-Michalitsi




Bi12 Biennale dell'immagine di Chiasso

17.9 – 14.11.2021

Bi12 - the twelfth edition of the Chiasso Photo Biennial, which will take place from 17.9 to 14.11.2021 under the theme FAKE  - visual distortion

L’eclisse e l’iperbole 

Gabriel Flückiger, Lisa Lurati,
Karen Amanda Moser,
Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs,
Bianca Pedrina,
Alexandra Pfammatter,
Nicolas Polli

curated by Riccardo Lisi

Sala Diego Chiesa
Via F. Soave 6, Chiasso 

e aperture speciali





Bianca Pedrina

03.07. – 26.09.2021

Basel Harbour / Rheinhafen Kleinhüningen
Hochbergerstrasse 165
4057 Basel

Vernissage: 03.07.2021

Artist Tour: 26.09.2021, 5pm





Radiant City

at space25
Rebgasse 7, 4058 Basel
28.11.2020 – März 2021

Mittwoch - Freitag, 16 - 19 Uhr
Samstag, 11 - 17 Uhr
oder nach telefonischer Vereinbarung


Radiant City
Fine Art Prints on Epson Hot Press, framed
Serie von 10 Bildern

Architekturskizzen auf Bauzäunen in Seoul.
Architectural sketches on building fences in Seoul.
These often huge, tall and white plastic panel walls can be found all over South Korea in vast quantities. Like stoic soldiers they guard abandoned construction pits of failed investment projects. They are part of the cityscape. Residents stick their advertisements and pamphlets on these walls and over time, all that’s left are these gaffer tape pieces.





Cloud Atlas at Esther Stocker's est_projects
Loeschenkohlgasse 7
1150 Vienna

The work was originally made for the façade of Kunsthaus Baselland and is now on the road, since its dismantling in 2015, asking the question of what happens after the ‚death‘ of a site specific work.

During the second Corona Lockdown 2020 in Vienna, Cloud Atlas is enjoying the confinement on its own...

Im Sommer 2015 trat der Cloud Atlas die Reise ins Amsterdamer Studio 47 von Celine Manz an. Dort floss er im den Ausstellungsraum hinein, einzig an seiner Kopfseite aufgerichtet. Zwei Jahre später presste er sich in eines der kleinen Zimmer von Villa Renata in Basel und verbrachte den lauen Sommer dort. Zuletzt hing er im frühen 2020 über einer postmodernistischen Betonwand in Tourcoing bei Lille, organisiert von Marine Alibert.

Image: Markus Gradwohl


200903_AK_A5_Grandfathers Axe_Korr3

Grandfather's Axe
Ausstellungsraum Klingental Basel
11.10. – 15.11.2020

Opening 10.10.2020, 17:00


with Anna Maria Balint, Pa.LaC.E (Valle Medina/Benjamin Reynolds), Michiel Huijben, Karsten Födinger, Christian Kosmas Mayer and Superstudio

curated by Bianca Pedrina

Based on the current urban planning interventions around Kaserne Basel, Grandfather's Axe explores the questions of perception and the image of a city, of history and memory as well as materiality and geology, and deals with speculative future scenarios.


Screening:  18.10.2020, 14.00 – 19.00
Martin Chramosta, Mammalia in Prussia Orientalis, 2017, 7'52"
Goran Galic & Gian-Reto Gredig, The Planners, 2012, 17'
Thomas Haemmerli, Die Gentrifizierung bin Ich: Beichte eines Finsterlings, 2017, 98'
Gina Kim, Faces of Seoul, 2009, 93'
Claudia Larcher, Ornament is Crime, 2018, 12'20"
Sasha Pirker & Michael Klein, 60 Elephants. Episodes of a Theory, 2018, 21'40"

Finissage: So 15.11.2020, 17 Uhr mit einem Ausstellungsrundgang mit Bianca Pedrina

Mi, Do, Fr: 15 - 18 Uhr // Sa, So: 13 - 18 Uhr
Freier Eintritt
Kasernenstrasse 23, 4058 Basel

Follow us on Instagram


Publication online: ISSUU



Exile Gallery
Elisabethstrasse 24
1010 Vienna, Austria

Cruel Summer Camp
4 - 22 Aug, 2020

Anna Bochkova, Anna Hostek, Bianca Pedrina, Edin Zenun, Filip Dvořák and Martin Kolarov, Flavio Palasciano, Francis Ruyter, Ivana Lazic, Jackie Grassmann and Leonie Huber, Jakub Choma, Jakob Kolb, Kerstin von Gabain, Keresztesi Botond, Lukas Thaler, Marianne Vlaschits, Martina Smutná, Michal Michailov, Nika Kupyrova, Radek Brousil, Sarah Bechter, Sari Ember, Abdul Sharif Baruwa, Siggi Sekira, Siggi Hofer, Šimon Chovan, Tomáš Bryscejn, Yein Lee




Pompei, Pompeii
Pompei, Pompeii


Published by
Mark Pezinger Books

Text: Michiel Huijben
Graphic Design: Astrid Seme
English, 112 pages

16,5 x 23,5 cm
Edition: 350

19 €


Order here: hallo@biancapedrina.com



19. Sep 2019, 18:00 – 19:00
Kunsthalle Basel Bookshop

Buchpräsentation Pompei, Pompeii von Bianca Pedrina, mit einer Performance von Michiel Huijben. Das Buch erscheint im Mark Pezinger Verlag



Book Launch

19. Sep 2019, 18:00 – 19:00
Kunsthalle Basel Bookshop

Book launch with an introduction by Bianca Pedrina, followed by a performance by the author Michiel Huijben. The book is published by Mark Pezinger Books.